We condemn the brutal assault on the people of Ukraine. It is an attack on civilisation. We support all sanctions against the Russian regime ruled by Vladimir Putin and call on the international community to help Ukraine and its citizens.


In which colours can Sattler manufacture my compound?

In any desired colour!

Just tell us your desired colour and the respective Project - we are happy to connect with you.

You are just three steps from your individual solid-coloured thermoplastics granulate:

1 Your desired colour 2 Your project 3 Your request

Your desired colour

Here is an overview of commonly utilized colour systems. These colour systems have one thing in common: Colours and connections between the different shades of colours are described.

The colour systems may serve you as a template for communicating your colour request. At the same time, they may very well serve you as an extensive source for information and inspiration when creating your indiviual ideas for colour requests.

After selecting one of the colour system categories, you will be directed to further colour information resources regarding the selected colour system - and of course to the electronic colour request form.

Country Colour System HKS HSV Le Corbusier Munsell NCS Pantone RAL RGB 3D-System Plus/Caparol Granulate Sample Individual Colour Sample Specific Colour Request


Please select the appropriate category:

HKS 3000+HKS Classic


Please select the appropriate category:

Pantone Graphic & Print Color SystemPantone
Pantone Textile Color System


Please select the appropriate category:

RAL Classic RAL DesignRAL EffectRAL Plastics


Please select the appropriate category:

AU - Australian StandardCN - Color Standard of ChinaDE - DIN 6164 Colour SystemDE - Agricultural MachinesDE - Nova Colour SystemFR - AFNORGB - British StandardJP - JPMA Japan StandardUS - ANSIUS - Federal Standard


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The Hue/Saturation/Value (HSV) model was developed in 1978. The HSV colour space defines a colour on the basis of three parametres: colour shade or hue (H), saturation (S) and the lightness or blackness value (V).

These three parametres are easily perceivable based on human Intuition:

(1) colour/hue (red, yellow, blue, ...?)

(2) saturation (brilliant or mat?)

(3) lightness (light or dark?)

The colour shade/hue (H) is represented by an angle on the colour circle - and can thus have values from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. The colour red is at an angle of 0 degrees, the colour green is at an angle of 120 degrees, the colour blue is at an angle of 240 degrees.

Saturation (S) is a percentage from 0% to 100% (or from 0 to 1). If saturation is 100%, the colour is fully saturated and thus pure. The smaller S gets, the more the colour tends to move into the direction of a neutral grey tone.

The lightness value (V)is also noted in percent:

0% = no lightness = black


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The architect Le Corbusier has composed his „Polychromie Architecturale“ with 63 colours from 9 colour categories. All colours are perfectly co-ordinated with each other and thus offer the possibility of harmonious combinations.

According to Le Corbusier’s concept, all 63 colours both have a spatial and a psychological effect.

All colours of the „Polychromie Architecturale“ can easily be combined on a mix and match basis.

You will find Le Corbusier colour fans, colour cards and colour books e.g. at Torso®-Verlag:



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The Munsell Color System or Munsell Color Order System exists since 1905. It is one of the first complete, very common and still used color systems - especially in the USA and in Japan.

It was conceived as a color atlas byy the artist Albert Henry Munsell. In 1929, the color atlas was checked and recalibrated by the Optical Socitey of America. In the USA, the Munsell Color System is setting the national norm.

Neutral colours are located on a vertical axis (lightness axis), from black on the bottom to white on the top. Colour hues are placed around the vertical axis. The higher the colour intensity, the larger the distance from the vertical or lightness axis. With the colour space being unlimited, ever new colours may be added.

Learn more about the history and the background of the Munsell Color System:



X-Rite® and Torso®-Verlag will provide you with the Munsell products such as colour books and grey scale fans as well as other examples of applications:




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NCS stands for Natural Colour System®. NCS classifies colours according to how these are perceived by human consciousness.

The starting point are four basic colours - Y(ellow), G(reen), R(ed), B(lue) - which are juxtaposed as colour pairs in a colour circle. Other hues than the basic colours are defined as intermediate steps between Y/G/R/B and their distance from the respective basic colour is represented as a percentage. Furthermore, there is

a lightness component which is indicated as an expression of black or white.

Saturated colours are located on a colour circle which is the base area for a double cone. The colour white is located in the upper sharp point of the double cone - the colour black in the lower sharp point of the double cone.

NCS colour coding is done in two parts according to the above principles:

1st part: proportion of the black component and colour saturation

2nd part: position of the basic colour on the YGRB colour circle

The numerical values are between 100 (maximum value)and 0 (minimum value).

The NCS colour fields only comprise colours which were feasible with the utilized pigments. If hues are on the grey colour axis,the colour code contains an N for neutral.

An S in the colour code indicates that the colour hue is from the Second Edition, i.e. after the Remake of the 1995 catalogue.


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Choose your RGB Set:





Please note that the color shown is not color-true.

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The RGB colour model is used for the representation of colours on the displays of electronic devices.

R stands for Red, G stands for Green and B stands for Blue.

On the basis of an additive mixing of Red, Green and Blue, approx. 16 million different colour hues may be obtained. What is additivated is the colour luminosity.

Please give it a try in the above RGB colour creator.


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The 3D-System PLUS colour fan includes all Caparol colour collections for architectural design of interiors and facades.

The colour fan includes 1,369 colours:

• 1,218 colours in 45 colour families

• 19 whites und 6 off whites

• 48 grey tones

• 66 lacquer tones

• 12 metallic tones

The colours are classified based on the LCH system: L stands for lightness, C for chroma or the colourfulness and H stands for hue or the basic colour shade. The Caparol colour fan displays each colour family starting from the dark up to the light colours – and from the achromatic tones to the colourful ones at the end of the fan.

You will find the entire 3D-System PLUS colour range at Caparol:



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HKS is the acronym of the HKS association of registered trademark holders of printing colours named Hostmann-Steinberg, Kast + Ehinger and Schmincke & Co.

The HKS colour system often serves as a reference for the (Offset) printing industry.

The HKS 3000+ colour system contains 3,520 solid colours for coated paper which have been developed as tones of the 88 HKS base colours.

You will find the HKS 3000+ colour fan e.g. at Torso Verlag:



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HKS is the acronym of the HKS association of registered trademark holders of printing colours named Hostmann-Steinberg, Kast + Ehinger and Schmincke & Co.

The HKS colour system often serves as a reference for the (Offset) printing industry. It consists of 88 solid colours. The different versions of the classic colour fans are distinguished by the paper quality and the printing process into category K and N:

HKS K – art printing paper (coated paper, glossy or matt coated)

HKS N – natural paper, offset printing and book print (uncoated paper, e.g. for letter heads)

You will find the HKS Classic colour fan e.g. at Torso Verlag:



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PANTONE Graphic and Print Color System

The PANTONE Graphic Design color collection currently comprises 2,161 standard colors als solid colors for applications in graphic design and print. Each color reference is available for uncoated and for coated paper.

Torso-Verlag provides on its homepage a list of all 2,161 Pantone solid colors: https://www.torso.de/en/About-Pantone-Colors:_:78.html

You will find the virtual color cards in the PANTONE Color Finder which is provided by X-Rite®:


The relevant PANTONE Graphic and Print products are available here:




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PANTONE Textile System is a colour system for Fashion Home + Interiors (FHI). It consists of currently 2,625 standard colours.

The colour samples are available on cotton and as lacquered coating on paper.

You will find further information, colour samples and related products at X-Rite® (https://www.xrite.com/) or at the homepage of their cooperation partner Torso-Verlag:





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RAL Classic colours

The RAL Classic colour collection consists of 213 colours and is divided into 9 colour categories:

1 – yellow hues
2 – orange hues
3 – red hues
4 – purple hues
5 – blue hues
6 – green hues
7 – grey hues
8 – brown hues
9 – black or white hues

Here RAL-Fraben provides non-binding overview of all RAL Classic colours in full screen:


Here you will find information by Torso®-Verlag with the colour names and examples:



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RAL Design consists of 1,625 colours. There are no overlaps between the RAL Design and the RAL Classic colour collections.

Here you will find an overview of all RAL Design colours:


Colour cards and colour fans are available e.g. at RAL and at Torso®-Verlag:




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RAL Effect consists of 420 solid colours and 70 metallic colours.


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RAL Plastics is the colour standard for plastics. With the help of RAL polypropylene plates, RAL colours are translated into identical colours for plastics applications.

RAL Plastics P1 contains the 100 most popular RAL Classic colours and RAL Plastics P2 contains 200 RAL Design colours in a plastics application.

You will find an overview of all RAL P1 and P2 colours here:


RAL Plastics are available at e.g. RAL and Torso®-Verlag:



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There are 206 Australian standard colours.

All colours are numbered and named.

They are divided into 8 colour categories:

• The Y Group - Yellow / 33 colours

• The X Group - Yellow-Red / 27 colours

• The R Group - Red / 28 colours

• The B Group - Blue / 25 colours

• The P Group - Purple / 14 colours

• The T Group - Blue-Green / 14 colours

• The G Group - Green / 41 colours

• The N Group - Grey/Neutrals / 24 colours

Torso®-Verlag provides a list of all AS 2700S colours as well as the colour fan:




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The colour indications of the Color Standard of China (CSC) by means of hue, value and chroma in principle correspond to the terminology in the Munsell Colour System - but the the colours as such are different from the standard colours of the Munsell Colour System.

The CSC comprises more than 5,000 colours. With its 1,026 colours, the Chinese Building Color Card (CBCC) is an extract of colours from the CSC colour space that is dedicated to applications in the field of architecture.


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The DIN 6164 Colour System was developed by the German Institute for Standardization on the basis of both scientific insights and visual perceptions.

The result was a colour circle with 24 equally distributed deep colours. All colours are of identical saturation and darkness value.

For all colours, the saturation and lightness values are indicated. The saturation values range from 0 (grey) to 6 (for each colour hue in the colour circle). The degree of lightness is expressed by values of darkness and grey.

According to DIN 6164, each colour hue consists of three parameters:

(1) hue tone (T)

(2) saturation (S)

(3) darkness value (D)

You will find the DIN 6164 colour system and further information at Torso®-Verlag:



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The agricultural machines colour fan assigns the 184 most important colours concerning both agricultrual and construction machines. The four-digit colour numbers starting with LM stand for the German abbreviation of agricultrual machines, the ones starting with BMS stand for the German abbreviation of construction machines. Colours corresponding to one of the RAL Classic hues are listed on six additional pages.

The agricultural machines colour fan is available at Torso®-Verlag.

In the download section you will also find an overview of all included colour hues sorted by manufacturer / machine type and - if applicable - the respective RAL colour:



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The NOVA colour palette comprises 2,024 colours which are allocated to 4 colour groups:

- Pale/Light Colours - 428 Farben

- Bright Colours - 858 Farben

- Deep Colours - 474 Farben

- Dark Colours - 264 Farben

NOVA 2024 is intended to be utilized as an effective tool for various applications in all branches or industries.

For easy colour matching, the colours in the fan are arranged in a harmonious sequence.

The colours in the fan are not limited to a specific manufacturer of paint or to colour system which requires a license. They maybe used without royalty fees.

At Torso®-Verlag, you will find the colour fan NOVA 2024 and - in the download section - a list of all its colours:



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AFNOR (Association Francaise de Normalisation) is the official French oragnization for industrial standardization.

The AFNOR colour fan contains colourmetric data for 91 colours, which are classified into the following 10 colour families:

Family 0: Bruns, Kakis, Marrons (7 brown hues)

Family 1: Orangés (4 orange hues)

Family 2: Ivoires, Crémes, Beiges (11 natural hues)

Family 3: Jaunes (4 yellow hues)

Family 4: Verts (22 green hues)

Family 5: Bleus (13 blue hues)

Family 6: Noirs, Gris, Blancs (17 black, grey and white hues)

Family 7: Violets (4 violet hues)

Family 8: Rouge, Bordeauxs, Roses (8 red hues)

Family 9: Pourpres (1 purple hues)


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The British Standard 5252 Framework focuses and relates the colors in terms of selected steps based on the visual attributes of hues, greyness and weight.

BS 5252 is the British Standard that establishes a framework within which 237 colours have been selected as the source for all building colour standards and the means of co ordinating them.

BS 4901 for Plastics: Text, mask and folder specifying 124 preferred colours for plastics for building purposes selected from BS 5252. The specified colours are not illustrated; these are shown in BS 5252.

BS 4800 range, a collection of 100 paint colours for building purposes which are included within the British Standards framework BS 5252:1976. The framework specifies these selected colours as the source for all building colour standards.

The colour fan British Standard BS 5252F with 237 colours is available e.g. at Torso-Verlag:


Here you will find in the download section a list with the colour numbers and Munsell codes of BS 5252F:



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JPMA stands for Japan Paint Manufacturers Association.

The JPMA publishes a standard colour chart for paint, coatings and related industries every two years. The first publication was in 1954. The current colour charts consists of 654 colours – including recommended colour sets distinguishable by people with limited colour vision.

Colours are selected based on their practicability for purposes in the fields of architectures, structures, facilities, housings and the like. With ist simple and accurate colour specifications it is intended to be a valuable tool for colour planning and for the paint business.

The JPMA colour fan is available upon request at Torso®-Verlag:



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The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) monitors the prduction, dissemination and use of US standards and guidelines for companies in nearly all industrial sectors. This also includes worldwide recognized cross-sector standards such as ISO 9000 for quality and ISO 14001 (environmental management system).

ANSI Z535 consists of six different sections:

1. ANSI Z535.1-2017 Safety Colors

2. ANSI Z535.2 Environmental Facility and Safety Signs

3. ANSI Z535.3 Criteria for Safety Symbols

4. ANSI Z535.4 Product Safety Signs and Labels

5. ANSI Z535.5 Safety Tags and Barricade Tapes (for Temporary Hazards)

6. ANSI Z535.6 Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions, and Other Collateral Materials

ANSI Z535 relates to the design, application, and use of safety signs, colours and symbols that are used for products made in the USA or a product that is imported into the USA or Canada. The ANSI standard is not a legal norm. Still, it is regarded as binding given the complex product liablity regulations in the USA and Canada.


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The company PANTONE has its origin in the manufacturing of colour cards for the cosmetics industry. Since its development in 1963, the „Pantone Matching System“ (PMS) has been regarded as an international Standard with respect to colour selection and colour communication.

PANTONE offers additional colour collections and colour systems. All of them with colour spaces that specifically fit with the respective applications, such as applications in the field of plastics (PANTONE Plastics) and textiles (PANTONE Textile).

Since 2000, every year PANTONE selects the colour of the year - based on research in all areas of life.

Here you will find more information about PANTONE colours and a list of all colours of the year since 2000:

Since 2018 PANTONE is an integral part of X-Rite® (https://www.xrite.com/).

The entire PANTONE product range is offered by X-Rite® (https://www.xrite.com/):

Torso-Verlag - as a cooperation partner of X-Rite® - also offers a range of PANTONE products and background information as well as downloads regarding PANTONE colour systems:



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2) Your project

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3) Your request


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* Pflichtfelder